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Boost Sales With Automotive Credit Data

Fill your marketing tank at and let us help boost your ROI. With credit variables available this file is perfect for auto finance, dealerships and specialty auto products where credit or auto credit is important. The Automotive Credit List will help no matter what business you are in that requires auto based credit consumer data.

Target with pin-point accuracy the owners you are trying to reach with confidence.   From loan balance to monthly payment, number of months remaining on lease or loan and many more variables to choose from – you will never be left with a half baked target audience.

1.  Target expiring loans and leases

2.  Select specific loan or lease payment amounts

3.  Pick the size of the loan or balance as well as seasoning or months remaining.

FCRA approval required with a firm offer of credit, this data is the ultimate automotive credit source.  We offer data from multiple bureaus and with less paperwork and hassle than signing up directly.  Plus we offer no commitments or long term contracts – we want to make it easy for you to work with us!

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