The Day Will Come
The First Student Loan Bill is DUE!
- 7 years of MSU
- 2 changes of his major
- 5-part time jobs
- 6 different moves
- 12 different roommates
- and a partridge in a pear tree
That’s what it took for my friend to be an engineer.
He has settled into a new job, in a new town, with a new apartment, and a new cat. All his persistence was seeming to pay off, until yesterday.
Reality struck like a bolt of lightning when he opened his first…student loan bill.
“Barry” Pays For College
Let’s call him “Barry.” Every semester he would sign his magic signature, and college was paid for. A few years in, after scholarships had ran their course, he was offered loans above the amount he needed. This was a brilliant plan to him and many other students offered the same deal.
He could
hold a part time job,
have enough money to cover life,
concentrate on his grueling course of study,
and not have to even THINK about paying the money back until after he graduated.
Reality Check
Barry called me after opening that eye-opening letter. He was in a panic. The day had come.
He now owed $65,000.00 at a payment of $655.00 a month.
- $155.00 more than his rent.
- Almost DOUBLE! his entire monthly financial responsibility.
- 30% of his total income at his post grad job.
Timing is Everything in Marketing and Data
- From a marketing standpoint, this is the absolute best time to be contacting “Barry.”
- He is ready for solutions to be offered.
- A student loan refinancing company has the highest success rate by offering “Barry” value through easy refinancing options and a lower interest rate as quickly as possible.
- Aged data on people such as “Barry” that is even a month old can prove to be completely useless. He is looking for solutions now. Not in a month from now.
- GrowData provides our clients with the freshest data available to produce the best leads possible. “Barry” is just one example of an ideal customer that has a short window of marketing opportunity. The deal, the promotion, the advertisement becomes completely irrevelant once Barry’s window is closed.